Friday, February 16, 2007

A Little Heat.

Funny, I have gotten some emails suggesting I shut up and accept the single file proposal. I have gotten just as many who are against it, and feel Cobb will later try and expand restrictions on cyclists. As long as I am getting people upset in some manner, I feel I am doing good. My main goal right now is to stir things up again.

The cyclist committee list has been updated to show one committee member who is against and kind of single file concession. I will update it to show any body's public position. Just email me at bikecobb (at)

A good comment in an email about the meeting at Atlanta Country Club was:

Being a constituant of Commissioner Thompson's, I was truely pissed when his first statement at the Atlanta country club meeting that "he was their to represent the interest of the homeowners, and to be clear, not those of the cyclist." (Pissed is an understatement.)

I knew that was going to be Thompson's attitude, which is why I was actually for a complete boycott of the meeting. I am a homeowner on Columns and Thompson was not representing me at all. He only cares about the opinion of just a few friends of his.

There are four other commissioners, those are who we need to convince to leave this whole thing alone.

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